Pricing Packages

Senior Photos

from: $350+

Let's celebrate your senior year! I'll work one-on-one with you to customize the right location and style for you.

Package A: $350
1 hour
1 location
2 outfits
50+ images

Package B: $650
2 hours
2 local locations
3-4 outfits
75+ images



I love being a part of documenting your family history! Let's work together to find the perfect location for your family portraits.

Mini Session
$250 + tax
30 minutes
25+ images

Full Session:
$400 + tax
60 minutes
50+ images


How many pictures will we receive?

For an hour long session you will receive at least 50 photos in an online gallery.

How should we dress for our family session?

I would recommend avoiding loud prints, logos, or patterns unless you want them for a specific reason.
Instead, opt for more muted tones. For example: blues, pinks, greens, whites, or tan. Don't get me wrong, I love color! I just don't want it to distract from the main focus: you and your family!

What’s the best time to have a session?

The first hour after the sun rises or the last hour before the sun sets are what photographers call the "golden hour." This is because its not too harsh and not too dark, just warm beautiful lighting! I aim to have all my sessions during this timeframe to catch the best light. This can be anywhere between 4-8pm depending on the time of year.

Let Your Important Memories Decorate Your Home

Let Your Important Memories Decorate Your Home

Let Your Important Memories Decorate Your Home